Got Milk? How About a Dose of Dairy?

I don't know about you, but I feel like I have to literally do dog and pony tricks to get my daughter to eat and drink. As I mentioned before, I have a few tricks up my sleeves when it comes to getting those fluids down.


Again...***DON'T JUDGE***


Yes, that is a shot glass. And no I don't refer to it as that to my daughter. We lovingly call it a "Baby Cup".


But she sure thinks it's fun to drink out of. For some unknown reason it's less daunting for her to drink a half a cup of milk out of a shot glass rather than a regular glass. So when she's having a tough time I pull out the big guns. "Shot Guns" that is...

Tricks to getting your kids to drink more beverages

(roughly 3 almost-full shot glasses = 1/2 a cup).



Another favorite (especially when she's sick) are medicine syringes. Yep. One dose of dairy at a time. This method takes a little longer and little more patience, but it works. 


Advice on boosting calories with beverages for children


Bottoms up!

💙💚 Natalie


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You must not rely on the information on our website as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. Consult your child's doctor or healthcare professional before administering these tips.

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