Warm Milk & Honey
I'm always looking for ways to add calories to my daughter's diet. In honor of my late grandmother, Esther Marie, I bring you: Warm Milk & Honey. Grandma drank this every night before bed to help her relax. And my kids LOVE it! -- even during the day.
Yes, it sounds disgusting. But trust me. It's actually quite tasty. One tablespoon adds 60 calories!
Since it's a warm beverage, I usually serve it in a small coffee mug to make it extra special. The pictured mug, is made from tempered glass to make it extra durable. (from IKEA). It's a little more kid safe!
Happy Calorie Boosting!
💙💚 Natalie
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You must not rely on the information on our website as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. Consult your child's doctor or healthcare professional before administering these tips.
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