Wine for Your Whiner

As more feeding tips.


***Don't Judge***


Yes. I give my daughter milk in a wine glass. 



It may be a little unconventional. But sometimes momma likes to have a glass of wine with dinner. My kids are always so curious about what's in mommy's glass. They know it's a special off limits grownup drink. 

Milk is such an easy way to get calories into my daughter. But she really struggles to get that milk down -- any beverage for that matter. In our house, when mommy drinks wine, my kids get milk -- in real wine glasses! I bought smaller glasses with a sturdy stem at a thrift store. My kids (ages 5 & 3) know to be careful. It's a special treat to drink out of wine glasses. Heck, we even do toasts. It's something special we do occasionally. And it works. My daughter slams that milk like it's Kool Aid.


Stay tuned for more feeding tips. Brought to you by Pants for Peanuts.


Yours Truly,

💙💚 Natalie



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You must not rely on the information on our website as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. Consult your child's doctor or healthcare professional before administering these tips. 

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